I don't know if anyone who used to read my blog will see this considering I had a very small following, but I've decided to throw myself at it again. I really enjoyed blogging but at the best of times life gets in the way and if you're not properly committed you will definatly let it slip. I am now going to commit properly while I can, I've had a lot to think about career wise recently and blogging has always stuck in my head as something I'd love to do. I doubt I will ever get to the point where I could call it a career but everyone has to start somehere, for now it's a hobby. I always thought things like 'naa I'd never be able to keep up with everyone else or come up with new inventive ideas' when it came to blogging but I've realised it's not about that. It's about trying your best, doing what you can and what you enjoy.
So, I'm Marie, I'm 22 and I am making this blog to share my thoughts and opinions on the things that I love like fashion and beauty. I also love taking pictures so I will use this as an excuse to get out and document things more often. I've tried to give it a little revamp but I'm useless with HTML and all that jazz so, but hopefully I can learn some new stuff and make it look fab.
P.S. I know my older posts are so cringey, I've changed so much in 3 years! But I don't want to delete them for some reason so enjoy!
Love Marie
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